
Fun Starts Here

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Three more sleeps until we find out what the first Open wod is! Let’s get some steady work in for this EMOTM. We’ll be hitting some DB work Wednesday, and getting back on the rig. Then Blaze Thursday. Then we’re ready. Let’s go!

Part A

3 Rounds

10 Alt Single arm Russian KB 44/26

10 Alt Goblet Box Step Ups-Low Box

10 Cal Row

Part B

Take 15 Minutes to build this Clean complex

Power Clean, hang power clean, jerk (Push or Split)

Part C

Emotm 20

Minute 1: 20 Russian Kettlebell Swings 53/35

Minute 2: 12 Box Jumps 24″/20″

Minute 3: 4 Power Cleans 185/125

Minute 4: 12/10 Cal Row

Scaled: Scale Power Clean weight to a heavy 4.