
Fun Starts Here

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Okay, there it is. Wall walks! We have experience with these!!!! Sign up for the Open and let’s do it! I raised the cap on Saturday to 15 because it’s going to kind of flow through heats and people will be in and out. Sing up for the hour you want and then when you come in you can sign up for the heat you want. We’ll most likely be going every 20 Minutes.

But, for Friday, we have no strength. Just some solid work with some barbell cycling. If you need a rest day, take it. Otherwise here is the work!

Part A

3 Rounds

20 Mountain Climbers

6 Single Arm Devil’s Presses 35/25

20 Jumping Jacks

6 DB Goblet Squats

Part B

Warm up hang cleans

Part C

15 Minutes

10 Hang Cleans 115/80

12 Cal Bike

10 Russian KB Swings 70/53

12 Cal Bike

Performance: 95/65, 53/35

Fitness: 75/55, 44/26