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Well, there it is. Look familiar? But I think we are definitely prepared! We’ll be hitting it Saturday. You can do this!

We’ll ease off strength Friday and get some regular work in. Part B is three sprints. Score is the slowest time but you should be able to move quickly on these. These swings are American. The RX could add up so if you are unsure about being able to keep the pace with the heavy KB, use a lighter one. If you are doing the Open on Monday, stay light on these kettlebells and just move. You can do Russian to save time and energy. As we know, this Open wod can be a back killer.

Part A

4 Rounds

250 Meter Row

8 Alt Goblet Lunges

8 KB Plank Pull throughs

Part B

3 Rounds

1 Round every 8 Minutes for 24 Minutes

250 Meter Row

10 Kettlebell Swings 70/53

10 Burpees

10 Kettlebell Swings 70/53

10 Burpees

10 Kettlebell Swings 70/53

250 Meter Row

Performance: 53/35

Fitness: 35/26