
Fun Starts Here

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UNBELIEVABLE Day at Thor Fitness Saturday as we our people killed 21.3 and 21.4. It was a strange open year but I’m really proud of those who attempted these wods and these movements. And congrats to Coach James and Nikki, who it looks like will be moving on to Qualifiers and Quarterfinals. Great job guys!

Alright, well as I’ve said, SHRED is programmed independently of our other programming so sometimes its uncomfortable. With that in mind . . . we’re on the rig.

Time for this one again. My favorite SHRED wod.

Part A is a 35 minute workout that starts with a buy in and finishes with an AMRAP in the remaining time. The score will be rounds and reps for the remaining time AMRAP.

Part B is a standard AB EMOTM

The bands you choose are very important. Spend some time before the wod figuring out good band heights for dips and pull-ups and be ready to go.

Part A

35 Minutes

Buy in


Strict Ring Dips or bench dips, block dips, DB Bench presses

Strict Chin Ups

directly into. . .

40 DB Rows, alternating 5 per side (50,35)

40 DB Pullovers (50,35)

directly into AMRAP

10 Cal Row

10 Feet elevated pushups

15 Abmat Situps or GHD’s

Part B

8 Minute EMOTM

Odd: 45 second plank

Even: 25 Tuck Ups