
Fun Starts Here

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Invite A Friend To Check Us Out!


Okay, we have one of my favorites for Friday. Lots of work here! Come in and try it!

Part A

4 Rounds

10 Air Squats

10 Alt DB Snatches

20 Plank Shoulder taps

Part B

Every two minutes for 10 Minutes

10/8 Cal Row

1 Squat clean thruster

Add weight if you have time or stay at same weight

Part C

For Time

Time Cap: 25 Minutes

3 Rounds Bergeron Beep Test

50/40 Cal Row

3 Rounds Bergeron Beep Test

50/40 Cal Row

3 Rounds Bergeron Beep Test

** Bergeron Beep Test is

7 Thrusters 75/55

7 Pull-Ups

7 Burpees

Scaled: Ring Rows