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This is a repeat of a BLAZE we did a month ago but I liked it and I wanted to get these plate to overheads in. The renegade rows are without a pushup, just the rows. I recommend 35 for the guys and 20-25 for the ladies.

Station 1

8 Minutes

12/8 Cal Assault

5 Burpees

10 Alt renegade rows 35-50/15-30

2 Minutes Rest

Station 2

8 Minutes

12/8 Cal Ski

10 Wall Balls 14/10

10 Strict Hanging Knee Raises or Leg raises if you can

2 Minute Rest

Station 3

8 Minutes

12/8 Cal Row

10 Push-Ups

12 Plate ground to overhead 45/35

2 Minutes Rest

Station 4

8 Minutes

500m Bike Erg

10 Ring Rows

20 Hollow Rocks