
Fun Starts Here

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Ladies of Thor Fitness! Thursday night is ladies’ night out. Come to Rockwell’s on Terry Road in Smithtown Thursday night starting at 5 and see some of your Thor sisters outside the gym. Info is on both whiteboards in the gym. ENJOY!!!

But first, ya gotta earn it . . .

10 Minute Stations

3 Minutes Rest

Let’s sweat!!

Station 1

200 Meter Run

12 OH Plate Reverse Lunges 45/35

12 AbMat Situps

Station 2

250 Meter Ski

12 American KB Swings 44/26

12 DB Toe Touch Crunches

Station 3

500 Meter Bike Erg

12 Empty BB Thrusters

12 Hanging Knee Raises

Station 4

10 Cal Row

8 Burpee Tuck Jumps

20 Hollow Rocks