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I’ve been seeing some great reps and effort guys! Let’s keep it going!

Also, I’ve seen some really good progress with toes to bar from some of our athletes. Let’s build on that. SHRED people had a lot of knee raises Sunday. Let’s take that, add the kip and kick those toes up! Try to get on the rig for this workout. It’s important to keep the heart rate up for 9 minutes.

Finally, I also noticed a lot of people missed that awesome front squat/burpee workout Friday and seemed really upset about it. So here are some thrusters and burpees for you. You’re welcome!

Part A

Male 30-20-10 Assault Bike Cals Female 24-16-8

10-10-10 Alt step ups 24/20-use whatever height your comfortable with. Minimum push off with plant foot

15-10-5 Supinated grip ring rows

Part B

Hang Squat Clean


Part C

9 Minute AMRAP

6 thrusters 95/65

9 Toes To Bar

6 Thrusters 95/65

9 Burpees

Fitness: 75/55, V-Ups