
Fun Starts Here

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Amazing job yesterday by everyone. Reps looked great. Intent looked great. Really proud of you guys. Tough to program a SHRED after that! But if you’re up to it, come on in. We have no 7am tomorrow. Just 8 and 9,

We’re going with longer circuits today.

Station 1 and 2 are 15 Minutes

Station 1

12/10 Cal Assault Bike

5 DB Clean and Jerk per am 50/35

10 Behind the neck DB Tri Extension 50/35

15 Strict Knee Raises

Station 2

12/10 Cal Row

5 one armed ring rows per side

8 Barbell Curls 65/45

10 SDHP 65/45

Station 3

7 Minute AMRAP

25 V-Ups

25 Rev Crunches

25 Crunches