
Fun Starts Here

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Long one for Saturday guys. No specific warmup. Let’s get in, load up the barbell and work through some of these movements. There are lots of scaling options. We’ll go over them in the morning. I have a 40 Minute time cap on this but if you want to finish, go for it! Come on in and get this monster done!

Part A

400 Meter Run

20 Wall Balls

200 Meter Run

20 Hang Cleans 95/65

200 Meter Run

20 Pull-Ups

200 Meter Run

20 Deadlifts 95/65

200 Meter Run

20 Push-Ups

200 Meter Run

20 Burpees

200 Meter Run

20 KB Swings 53/35

200 Meter Run

20 Toes To Bar

200 Meter Run

20 Air Squats

200 Meter Run

20 Hang Power Snatches 95/65

200 Meter Run

20 Double Under

200 Meter Run

20 Sit-Ups

200 Meter Run

20 Box Jumps 24″/20″

400 Meter Run