
Fun Starts Here

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I’m happy to announce that we will be adding back in our Olympic lifting class on Sunday mornings. Coach Mike Rodriguez has a great resume with these movements and I’m glad he’s able to do this again with us. We will cover all facets of the olympic lifts plus relevant accessory work. This was really successful back in the day and there have been requests to bring it back.

So . . . new schedule.

SHRED will now be held on Saturday at 7, 8, and 9. That will be capped at 10 to manitain the integrity of the programming, but there are three classes. If it looks like people are getting shut out I’ll open it up and we’ll do more stations.

Sunday will be Open gym at 8 and Mike’s Olympic lifting class at 9. We had good feedback from Open gym. You can do a wod with your friends that you missed, work strength, cardio, SHRED, etc. And then feel free to stay for the 9. There will be no cap.

On to BLAZE. . .

10 Minute Stations

2 Minutes rest

Station 1

500 Meter Bike Erg

8 Plate to Overheads 45/35

12 Jumping Lunges

Station 2

10 Thrusters 45/35

10 Cal Ski

10 KB SDHP 53/25

Station 3

12 V-Ups

6 Single arm Devils Press 35/25

20 Mountain Climbers

Station 4

200 Meter Run

12/10 Cal Assault Bike