
Fun Starts Here

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Announcement: Faith RX Long Island has chosen Thor Fitness to host their 8/7 workout. Details are being ironed out but it looks like 8/7 at 11am we will be having a Faith RX event. Faith RX combines fitness and faith. If this is something that interests you or you have any questions, please come talk to me or just show up at 11 and check it out! Its a warm up, a wod, and some talk about faith and fitness and where they intersect. And there is also free food. All are welcome!

No strength today, we’re going to hit a longer emotm.

Part A

30/24 Cal Bike

3 Rounds of

10 Alt Shoulder Taps

10 Jumping Lunges

10 AbMat situps

30/24 Cal Bike

Part B


Minute 1: 12/8 Cal Bike

Minute 2: 12 Push Presses 115/80

Minute 3: 12 Toes To Bar

Minute 4: 12 Box Jumps 24″/20″

Minute 5: rest

Performance: 95/65

Fitness: 75/55, Knee raises/Floor work