
Fun Starts Here

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Alright, I’m assuming you guys were hurting from Saturday. But let’s get in Wednesday and hit this one. It’s light weight but lots of reps. A great opportunity to get some manageable OHS reps in.

We have tempo work. It’s 3 seconds in the hole. Guys. I’m begging you. Do a slow count to 3 in the hole. Use the empty bar and build up if you can’t. Research shows that the build up potential you gain from dropping from the top position takes 4 seconds to disspate. 1 second down, 3 in the hole achieves that. It’s not a random task I’m giving you. It will help your leg drive and positions.

Part A

3 Rounds

250 Meter Row

4 DB OHS per hand 35/25

6 Alt Rotating Push-Ups

Part B

Pause OHS



Part C


Bike Cals (Women 16/12/8/4)

Overhead Squats 75/55

Rest 5 Minutes


Bike Cals (Women 16/12/8/4)

Front Squats 75/55

Assault Bike is recommended, but C2 Bike is okay

Scaled: 45/35