
Fun Starts Here

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Part A

10 Minutes

10 cal Row

10 AbMat Situps

10 Alt DB Snatch

Part B

Power Clean


*Touch and go, no regrip

Part C

AMRAP 3 Minutes

10 Cleans 95/65

10 Toes To bar

2 Minutes Rest

AMRAP 3 Minutes

8 Cleans 125/85

8 Toes To Bar

2 Minutes Rest

AMRAP 3 Minutes

6 Power Cleans 155/105

6 Toes to Bar

Scaled: Talk to your coach about loading options. For toes to bar, grip is part of the challenge of this wod so I’d like to see you on the rig if possible. Toes to somewhere, strict knee raises, kipping knee raises. All good.