
Fun Starts Here

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Announcements: I’m going away for a few days so there might be some last minute shuffling of the schedule. But for now here’s what we look like.

Friday morning is the tough one as Mike R and myself are away and Patty is unavailable. So for 5:30 ad 6:45 we’ll be open with a workout on the board. I have an experienced, capable member opening on Friday and putting the workout up and running clock and music . . . or it will be Craig.

Pam, Val and Jana will be ruling the 6:45!

Coach Matt is covering the weekend! We will have 8 and 9 regular Crossfit on Saturday.

Sunday will be Open gym from 8-9 and regular Crossfit from 9-10.

Coach Nikki will be handling Monday Morning and Coach James will be here on Wednesday morning. Be ready to work.

10 Minutes stations

3 Minutes Rest

Station 1

10/8 Cal Ski

10 Ab wheel Roll-outs

10 Hanging Leg Raises

Station 2

500 Meter Standing Bike erg on 10

10 Jumping Lunges

10 Heel elevated air squats with legs together (heels on edge of platform)

Station 3

12/9 Cal Assault Bike

10 Burpees

Station 4

12/10 Cal Row

8 Alt Rotating Push-Ups

10 Empty Barbell Curls