
Fun Starts Here

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Announcement: With the new schedules it looks like the 9:30 am class is going to be canceled for the Fall. If this is a class that is very important to your fitness, it will be open for the rest of the week. Get some friends and come on in.

This is a repeat from July. These were good numbers and is a great example of what I call front side/back side/cardio programming. Good stuff. Come in and check it out.

Part A

4 Rounds

10 KB Swings 35/25

20 Double Unders

10 Goblet Cossack Squats 35/26

20 Double Unders

Part B



Part C

Emotm 18

Minute 1: 10 Deadlifts 205/135

Minute 2: 20 Wall Balls

Minute 3: 12 Burpees

Performance: 185/125

Scaled 135/95, 10 Burpees