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GREAT job by everyone who came out on Thursday. That was a very spicy Blaze with some heavier loads than normal. As a result of that we’re going to go pure cardio and core for Friday. Here’s a variation on Annie we do several times a month. Note that I added a 200 meter run as an option if you’re scaling.

Part A

3 Rounds

40 Jumping Jacks

20 Crunches

200 Meter Run

Part B

Bench Press

4 Sets of 10

55-60% of 1rm

Part C

“Running Annie”

50 Double Unders

50 AbMat Situps

400 Meter Run

40 Double Unders

40 AbMat Situps

400 Meter Run

30 Double Unders

30 AbMat Situps

400 Meter Run

20 Double Unders

20 AbMat Situps

400 Meter Run

10 Double Unders

10 AbMat Situps

400 Meter Run

Scaled: 2:1 Singles

200 Meter Run