
Fun Starts Here

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Okay guys, no strength today just a longer warmup. We’ve hit those legs pretty hard the last few days so we’ll just get warm and then chip away at the wod.

If you’ve been following Instagram you know that we are hosting a Faith RXd event on Saturday after SHRED. The schedule will be normal. If you’re interested, text me! Its a quick prayer, then a workout! Then some of us will be telling our story, then we break into groups for about 15 minutes to talk. Then bagels and wraps. And Saturday we’re actually all going to Wading River for pumpkins after. So if you’ve wondered what it’s about, you’re welcome to hang!

Part A

12 Minutes

250 Row

30 second plank

60 Single Unders

Part B

60 Double Unders

50 Russian Kettlebell Swings 53/35

40 Abmat Situps

30/24 Cal Assault Bike

20 Push Presses 95/65

10 Pull-Ups

20 Push Presses 95/65

30/24 Cal Assault Bike

40 Abmat Situps

50 Russian KB Swings 53/35

60 Double Unders

Scaled: 120 Single Unders, 44/26, 75/55