
Fun Starts Here

Refer A Friend

Invite A Friend To Check Us Out!


I’m really excited to let you all know that Thor Fitness will be hosting our first Throw down Sunday, June 29th.  I’ll be asking two to three gyms to come and compete.  Each gym will have two teams of four (two girls, two guys.)  There will be one scaled team and one RX team.  If you’re interested in participating, please let me know.  I’m hoping this will lead to future competitions at our box!!

Also, by the end of the week I will have a full line of Progenex coming in!!!  I’ve been using this line of protein powders since they were introduced to me at the North East Regionals in 2010.  I have an assortment of flavors in the More Muscle and Recovery.  I’m also getting in the Omega (Krill oil) as well as pre workout packets.  The pre workout packets you can sign out on your account, but the rest of the line has to be checked out with me.  Also, when you sign out items, please write down your full name.  First names only aren’t always a good idea being that you may not be the only “John.”  And if you pay cash, you don’t have to write it down.  Only those signing out items that will be charged to your monthly account.  Thanks!!

And lastly, please do not put ten pound plates on the 33# or 45# bars.  These bars can not support the plates especially if they are dumped.  Two ten pound plates are fine.  Thank you for your cooperation!!

CrossFit WOD:

4 rds:

400 meter run

500 meter row

75 double unders


4 RDS:

200 meter run

250 meter row

75 singles