
Fun Starts Here

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The throw down wods have been posted at the gym by the entrance.  If you’re interested in competing, let me know.  We need two teams of two girls and two guys for a scaled and RX team for a total of 8 athletes.  The Throw down will be Sunday, June 29th.  There’s no cost to compete.  I also need judges to volunteer for the day.  This is our first Throw Down!  Let’s do it!!

I didn’t realize how many of you use Progenex since I made the announcement yesterday that we will have Progenex available at Thor Fitness.  I hope to have the order in late Friday.  I’ll keep all of you Progenex users posted!!!


Bench press 6 x 3 @ 70% of 1 Rm

Back extension 3 x 12

CrossFit WOD:

2 min. power snatches 95#/75# RX+ 135#/95#

Rest 1 min:

2 min. air squats

Rest 1 min;

2 min. burpees

Rest 3 min: Repeat the cycle

*** Your score is total reps of snatches, squats and burpees for each cycle