This weekend we have athletes competing at Flex on the Beach in Long Beach. Come on out and show your support!!
5 sets:
3 POSITION POWER SNATCH (floor, hang, mid hang)(click for video!!)
Increase the weight with each set or work on form, mechanics and technique
CrossFit WOD:
800 meter run buy in:
75 power snatches 95#/65# RX+ 115#/ 85#
*** Every minute perform 5 box jumps 24″/20″ RX+ 30″/24″
Be sure to choose a weight and box height you can move efficiently with. You should not be staring at the bar or the box for any length of time. Keep it moving!!
400 meter run buy in:
50 power snatches 65#/45#
*** Every minute perform 3 box jumps 14″/11″