Your coaches, Kristen and Santiago, want to host a Halloween party for the Thor Fitness members!! The date is Saturday, November 1st at 8 pm at my house in Smithtown. There will be a sign up sheet at the gym. This will be a pot luck party so everyone can bring their favorite food/drink. If you have any questions, feel free to ask any one of us!
5 sets:
3 x snatch grip deadlift
3 x power snatch
3 x overhead squat
Choose a weight you can build on for each set or stay with the same weight and work on your form, mechanics and technique
CrossFit WOD:
3 rds:
21 power snatch 115#/75# RX+ 135#/105#
15 pullups/ RX+ L pull ups
9 push jerk 115#/75# RX+135#/105#
Tabata situps
20 seconds of work/10 second of rest for 8 intervals. Put up your total number of situps on the whiteboard