
Fun Starts Here

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I hope you all had a great weekend!  Don’t forget, this Saturday is our holiday party at The Grill Room from 8 – 12.  We had a great time last year and plan to keep the momentum going with a great night out with our friends and Thor Fitness Family this year.  Feel free to bring your spouse, friends, family ect.


Front squats


Increase the weight for each interval

CrossFit WOD:

amrap 20 min: (as many REPS as possible) 

50 wall balls 20#/14#

50 double unders

40 box jumps 24″/20″

40 kb swings 53#/35#

30 goblet squats 53#/35#

30 db snatches 40#/25# (alternate arms)

20 burpees

20 Front squats 135#/95#

10 T2B

10 Push jerk 135#/95#

*** No Rx+ today. Scale and modify as needed