
Fun Starts Here

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Hey guys. That was a great week of training. We’ve been pounding on shoulders so no pressing on Saturday. If you need a rest day, take it. If not, register early and make it in for Saturday SHRED. Actually its kind of a BLED. But come check it out. Looking forward to this one.

10 Minute Stations

3 Minutes Rest

Station 1

10/8 Cal Ski

10 DB Cleans 50’s/35’s

10 Push-Ups

Station 2

10/8 Cal Row

10 SDHP 95/65

10 Bent Barbell Row 95/65

Station 3

10/8 Cal Assault Bike

5 Burpees

10 Strict Wide grip Pull-Ups

Station 4

10/8 Cal Bike erg

20 Hollow Rocks

:30 Second plank