
Fun Starts Here

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Who wants to go bowling this Saturday, January 17th? Time: 8 pm. Place: Bowlmor Long Island, 895 Walt Whitman Rd, Melville. Please let me know who is definitely coming by Wednesday. Also, come and show your support for Meghan and Joe competing that day at CrossFit 631 Throwdown.


Week #1 of widowmakers

20 back squats @ 65% of 1 RM from last week. You can rest with the bar on you back but you can not rack the weight until all 20 back squats are complete.  Each week we will add 5 – 10# so keep track of your weight used every week. Feel free to make up your widow makers during any strength program during the week if you miss them on Monday.

CrossFit WOD:

“Glory Days”

EMOTM x 12 min:

Even min: 10 deadlift

Odd min: 15 wall balls

RX 225#/155#; 20#/10′  14#/9′

RX+  255#/185#; 20#/10′ target 14# 10′ target

Level 1 115#/75#; 12# 10’/8# 8′