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PROGRESS IS A PROCESS (words to live by and something to think about)

Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t… you’re right. – Henry Ford

Henry Ford was on to something. Progress is not something that just happens overnight, but it will never happen if you do not believe it is possible. “I can’t do that,” it is a phrase we hear a lot from athletes who don’t realize their own potential or they are afraid of finishing last so they pick a lighter weight.

Of course, I am not suggesting you are reckless and always go heavy but you should be challenging yourself and pushing past your comfort zone. Progress is a Process.. it isn’t an easy one so you can’t just keep doing the things you know you are good at.

I challenge each one of you to stop saying in your head “I can’t” and start saying “I will give it my best try.”


hang clean

7 x 1

Increase the weight with each set and hit a heavy 1 RM. The bar does not go below your knees.

CrossFit WOD:


power cleans

V ups

Box jumps

RX 135#/95#; 24″/20″

RX+ 155#/115#; 30″/24″

L 1 95#/55#, 14″/11″


 5 min amrap:

10 squat cleans 95#/65#

20 sit ups