
Fun Starts Here

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Hey guys! Great work on a VERY tough wod. Tuesday night is our Christmas Party! So, if you haven’t aldeady, just let me know if you’re coming as we’re trying to get an accurate head count. You can hit me up on instagram or text me at 516-524-8384. So it’s Husk and Vine starting at 6PM. Please park in the lot behind the restaurant. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone!

Part A


Bike of choice


Part B

4 Round Superset

8 Bent Barbell Row (Overhand grip} This should be heavy so push it.

10 DB Bench 50/35 guideline

20 feet elevated crunches on bench

Part C

6 Rounds

12 Russian KB Swings 70/53

12/8 Cal Assault Bike

9 Hang Power Snatch 95/65

20 ABmat Situps

Scaled: 75/55, 53/35