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Good feedback so far as we continue building muscle with Part B and getting some longer Part C’s going. We’re also going to be adding an Open Wod once a week to start getting the feel. Registration is in 2 weeks believe it or not!

Come on in and get this work done. I tested Part C and it’s good!

Also! New apparel orders. Here is the link. This will be active for 1 week. Order what you need and pay when you pick up. Matt McGuire and Sport Loft did a great job as always. There’s a nice new blue, and the logo is bigger. Should come out great.

Part A

Accumulate 60/50 Cals on any machine. You may switch between machines.

Part B

4 Rounds

8 Arnold DB Press 35/20 guideline

8 Supinated Bent Barbell Row (Heavy)

12 Twisted Knee Raises (See video)

Part C

3 Rounds For Time

10 Power Cleans 95/65

14 Wall Balls

2 Minute Rest on your own

3 Rounds For Time

12/8 Cal Assault Bike

10 Push Presses 95/65

2 Minutes Rest on your own

3 Rounds For Time

12/8 Cal Row

8 Overhead Squats 95/65

2 minute Rest on your own

3 Rounds For Time

12/8 Cal Row

12/8 Cal Assault Bike