
Fun Starts Here

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Just a few announcements for everyone. Please be careful  and drive SLOW when pulling into the driveway of the building. Your fellow CrossFitters may be running during a warm up or wod. Also pull in the “shipping/receiving” driveway and pull around. Do not enter at the exit.

Also, there’s a new Kill Cliff coffee drink as well as the regular Kill Cliff drinks that have been restocked. The Coffee drink is called Mojo Rising and is real coffee with coconut cream. My sales rep for Kill Cliff says they can’t keep it in stock. There are two other flavors as well.  If you’d like me to get the other two in, let me know.

When signing items out in the store please write your full name and item legible. Also, be specific when signing out Essentia water as compared to regular water and the Kill Cliff Mojo Rising  as opposed to the other  Kill Cliff  drinks.There is a price difference so please specify.

If you’re paying cash, do not write down anything. The sign out sheet is just for those signing out items that will be charged to their account.  T shirts and tanks should not be signed out. Please do that through me. Thanks!

I will be posting hours for Labor Day on the blog as well as on the white board.




CrossFit WOD:

EMOTM 18 min:

Odd min: 10 burpees

Even min: 3 squat cleans + 15 du’s (singles 2:1)

RX 135#/95# RX+ 155#/115