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Great job on a long workout with tons of volume. That degree of work capacity is not easy but you guys did great!

Tough strength for Tuesday so we’ll hit a shorter AMRAP for Part C

So we have two strength exercises, but these are not supersets. We’re on the clock. Every two minutes for 8 Minutes for deadlifts. Then we’ll change plates and start clock again for another 8 minutes for lunges. They are standard CrossFit weights so scale them the way you would in a wod.

Part B

4 Rounds, new round every two minutes.

8 Deadlifts 225/155

into . . .

4 Rounds, new round every two minutes.

Back rack step back reverse lunge.

4 sets of 8 per side 95/65

Do all 8 on right, then all 8 on left without stopping. Re-rack weight and get your rest

Part C


12 Alt DB Snatch 50/35

25 DU’s

12 Alt DB Box Step Ups 50/35

25 DU’s

Scaled: 50 Singles, 35/26