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I had the idea to do 18.1 today as some Open prep. However, they released the equipment list and rowers are not on it. Neither is the wall ball. Both of these are perplexing to me. However, DBs will be prominent. So, let’s get the work in. The rower is still a great training tool.

Guys, if you have toes to bar at all, even jumping into singles, do them here. Unbroken toes to bar aren’t even a great idea in this workout. Do 8 singles and keep moving. Knee raises are great as well.

Also, it looks like there will be no class on Saturday bit I will keep you posted!

Part A

4 Rounds

10/8 Cal Row

10 ABmat Situps

10 Empty Barbell Hang Clean and Jerks

Part B

4 Round Superset Building in weight

3 Hang Power Cleans plus 3 Push jerks

3 High Box Jumps


Part C

20 Minute AMRAP

8 Toes To Bar

10 DB Hang Clean and Jerks 50/35

14 Cal Row

Scaled: 35/20, Hanging Knee Raises

** You must complete 5 hang clean and jerks with one side before moving to the next**