

We’re in our new space at 745 Caleb’s Path. A huge thanks to Denis for moving the gym in record time! (We had A LOT of stuff.) And many thanks to Justin for disabling the rig on his day off and Willy who helped me clean up the parking lot on his day off!! And of course, I couldn’t have done this whole thing without the help of my husband, Steve, who broke his butt for the past few weeks to make this happen. Another big thanks to Paul, Amy, Maureen and Ryan for coming out to help pick up heavy shit and piece the new gym together. !!! Also props to Ralph from Odin who together with Mike ( Steve’s friend) put humpty dumpty back together again.  The rig is  back in action! Thanks Ralph, Steve, Mike, and Paul, Ryan, Amy and Maureen!! I can’t wait for you all to see the new gym.


Cluster (squat clean thruster)


CrossFit WOD:

3 min amrap:

25 double unders

5 power clean

Rest 1 min

5 min amrap:

25 double unders

5 squat cleans

Rest 2 min

amrap 7 min:

25 double unders

5 squat clean thrusters

Rx 135#/95#

RX+ 155#/115#

L1 75#/45#

Singles are 2:1