Monday, March 9th is the start of our new 4 pm class. I will give it some time, but if attendance is low, the class will be cancelled. If you still need to get judged for the Open, come in and get it done!! I will have to be done between classes or come Sunday at 11:00 after class. I cannot judge during class time.
CrossFit WOD:
AMRAP 20 MIN: as many reps as possible
50 walll balls 20#/14# RX+ 10′
50 double unders 2:1 singles
40 box jumps 24″/20″ RX+ 30″/24″
40 kb swings 53#/35# RX+ 70#/44#
30 goblet squats 53#/35#
30 db snatch 40#/25# (alt arms)
20 burpees
20 front squats 135#/95# RX+ 155#/115#
10 T2B
10 push jerk 135#/95# RX+ 155#/115#
Back squat
65% x 2
75% x 2
85% x 2
90% x 1
75% x 10
Clean and jerk: work up to 70% x 1 x 3
SKILL: handstand push-ups
Mobility: shoulders