

Today’s hours are 6:30, 7:30, 8:30 and 9:30 am.  We’ll be closed Christmas Day.  Come in and get your workout in!!!

Dan found a gold cross necklace in the parking lot right after the morning classes.  If you are the owner, I have it in my office.  Thanks Dan!

Joe took some awesome pictures at the Thor Fitness holiday party.  He posted them on the Thor Fitness Facebook page.  When you get a chance, be sure to check them out.  Thanks Joe!

CrossFit WOD:

“12 Days of Christmas”
1. hspu
2. box jumps 24/20 RX+ 30/24
3. thrusters 95/65 RX+ 115/85
4. pull ups
5. burpees
6. hang power clean 95#/65# RX+ 115#/85#
7. wall balls 20/14 10’/8’ Rx + 20/14 10’
8. kb swings 53#/35# RX+ 70#/44#
9. double unders 33 singles
10. overhead lunges 45#/25#
11. snatches 95#/65# RX+ 115#/85#
12. 1000 meter run
Rep scheme follows the song 1, 1-2, 1-2-3, ect…