

Kenny Paz!!

Kenny Paz!!

I can’t wait to see everyone tonight at the Christmas Party!!  Come in today and get your workout in and then attend the Weightlifting class at 10 am.  Open gym is still on at 10 am as well.  We’ll also see the CrossFit Kids at 11 am with Elizabeth who has also just announced that she is going to be a mom.  Congrats to Bitz and Dan!!!  Another CrossFit baby.  So awesome!!!

CrossFit WOD:

amrap 30 min:

400 meter run

15 burpee box jumps 20″/24″ Rx+ 30″/24″

15 push press 95#/65# RX+ 115?85#

15 pull ups RX+ C2B pullups


AMRAP 15 Min:

200 meter run

10 burpee box jumps 14″/11″

10 push press 65#/35#

10  jumping pull ups or ring rows


Tall snatch 2 x 10 ..light weight

Hang snatch pulls 75% x 3-5, 85% x 3, 95% x1, 105% x 1, 105% x 1 …% is of 1 rep max snatch

Bent over rows 4 x 8-10

Stiff legged deadlifts 3 x 10

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