

Okay guys, announcement day is here. Thursday night we see what 21.1 is! Again, we will hit this on Saturday. And I’ll offer it on Monday for those who can’t get in on Saturday. I’m really looking to limit redos unless you cramped up or something like that. If you have an issue definitely send me a text and we’ll figure it out.

But for Thursday . . .

6 Minutes Per Station

2 Minutes Rest in between

Station 1

10 Cal Row

10 Burpees over the rower

Station 2

10 Cal Ski

5 DB Hang Clean and Jerks per side

Station 3

25 V-Ups

25 Reverse Crunches

25 Crunches

Station 4

500 Meter Bike erg

25 American KB Swings 35/26

Station 5

Assault Bike 65/45 Calories