Okay guys, it’s back.
If you’ve done this before you know I base a lot of this on the classic Arnold Bodybuilding split routines.
But we also have kind of a benchmark workout that was based on Arnold’s Golden 6 program that he used early in his career.
We’ll start with this and get to splits next week.
Monday is the last day to go online and order gear before we batch the order. Matt put some new items up that are really cool!
Finally, you’ll notice there is no link for the survey. We are done with that. Awesome job helping me out with that. Let’s continue to keep up with protocols and contact me directly regarding any exposure or health issues. Thank you!
Golden 6
50/40 Cal Row Buy in
40 Back Squats 135/95
30 Bench Presses 135/75
30 Strict chin ups (Scaled is banded or supinated ring rows)
40 Strict Barbell Presses 75/45
30 Barbell Curls 75/45
100 feet elevated Crunches
50 Cal Bike Cash out