

Ray assaulting this tough Saturday EMOTM!

Time for this one again. My favorite SHRED wod.

Part A is a 35 minute workout that starts with a buy in and finishes with an AMRAP in the remaining time. The score will be rounds and reps for the remaining time AMRAP.

Part B is a standard AB EMOTM

The bands you choose are very important. Spend some time before the wod st figuring out good band heights for dips and pull-ups and be ready to go.

Pre-register on Triib.

Part A

35 Minutes

Buy in


Strict Ring Dips

Strict Chin Ups

directly into. . .

40 DB Rows, alternating 5 per side (50,35)

40 DB Pullovers

directly into AMRAP

10 Cal Row

10 Feet elevated pushups

15 Abmat Situps or GHD’s

Part B

10 Minute EMOTM

Odd: 45 second plank

Even: 25 Tuck Ups