Great job by all who came out today! It was a very tough workout but there was a great sense of community and determination. Nice job everyone.
We have another 5 station EMOTM style BLAZE for Thursday. We added some new movements. You’ll be seeing wall balls for the first time but they are lighter than normal. And we are using the new AB wheels! Your coach will go over this movement with you but of prime importance is making sure not to arch your back. We need those abs tucked down toward the rib cage and we’ll only go as far as you’re comfortable with. See you tomorrow!
5 Stations, 4 minutes each, 2x through
Station 1
4 Minutes
12/10 Cal Row
15 Pushups
12/10 Cal Row
15 Hanging Knee Raises
Station 2
4 Minutes
2 Rounds
12/8 Assault Bike
15 Ring Rows
Station 3
4 Minutes
2 Rounds
15 Wall balls 14/10
Ski 10/8 Cal Ski
Station 4
4 Minutes
40/30 Cal Bike Erg
Station 5
4 Minutes
2 Rounds
15 Abmat Situps
10 AB rollouts