

This post is taken from CrossFit New England. They do this wod every year since 2013 and post this video about a man that was a friend of one of their members. I decided to change things up this year and post this. This terrible tragedy happened in our own backyard. We all remember where we were that day when we heard the news. Some of us had loved ones that were first responders and headed into Manhattan when they were called in or some were already on the job. Some of us lost friends and family who worked in the towers or know someone who lost a friend or loved one on that fateful day. Whatever the case may be, Let’s not forget and honor those who perished on 9/11.



17 years ago, our Nation underwent a tragic loss. 17 years ago, our Nation became stronger than it ever had before.

“The lesson of 9/11 is that America is truly exceptional. We withstood the worst attack of our history, intended by our enemies to destroy us. Instead, it drew us closer and made us more united. Our love for freedom and one another has given us a strength that surprised even ourselves.” – Rudy Giuliani

“Always Remembered”
Teams of 2:
Buy-In: 2001 Meter Row
4 rounds:
9 Rope Climbs
11 Bear Complexes (135/95)
Cash-Out: 2977 Meter Row

Bear Complex: 
1 Power Clean, 1 Front Squat, 1 Push Press, 1 Back Squat, 1 Back Rack Push Press

“Always Remembered”
Teams of 2:
Buy-In: 2001 Meter Row
4 rounds:
9 Rope Climbs
11 Bear Complexes (95/65)
Cash-Out: 2977 Meter Row

Fitness Bear Complex:
1 Power Clean, 1 Front Squat, 1 Push Press, 1 Front Squat, 1 Push Press

*** One athlete works at a time and partition as they want. If there are uneven numbers, two people will work as one.