It’s not too late to sign up for Flex on the Beach, Saturday, September 17th!! The first two workouts have been announced. Teams consist of two men and two women. If you’re interested in starting a team, do it soon!
The Face of Flex on the BeachÂ
CrossFit TEAM WOD:
Teams of 2:
amrap 22 min:
7 hang power clean
6 push jerk
20/16 cal row
Barbell reps should be at a weight that can be completed unbroken app 50-60% of 1rm p jerk. Only one athlete works at a time.
Flex on the Beach wod #1 (1 and 2)
1. work up to a 1 RM snatch + 2 overhead squats
2. Work up to a 1 RM clean + 2 front squats
3. 400 meter farmers carry 53#/35#
4. Core work:
Tabata T2B
Rest 1 min
Tabata superman hold