Summer is approaching, which means school is out. Just a reminder to all the parents that bring their children to Thor Fitness while they are working out. Please have them sit in the designated area where the chairs are by my desk while class is in session. For the safety of the kids and my members working out, I cannot have any children, no matter what age they are, on the gym floor near anyone working out or near the equipment. This means running in the parking lot as well. If your child is in a stroller, please set up near them to be able to tend to them if they need you. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Bench press
CrossFit WOD:
5 RDS:
10 K2E RX+ T2B
10 SDHP 95#/65# Rx+ 115#/85#
30 double unders (60 s)
EMOM 10 min:
8 burpees