Is everyone ready for Barbells for Boobs this Saturday at 9 am? And who else is still not signed up for the in house throw down? Sign up!!! It’s coming up on Sunday November 15th at 10 am. It should be over by 12.
Also, I will have details regarding the new hoodies and thermals and will be taking orders. I have some “samples” from a previous order so you have an idea of what it will look like. There will be two styles to choose from.
Sumo deadlift
Find 1 Rm
CrossFit WOD:
EMOTM x 15
Min 1: 10 sumo deadlift @ 75% of 1 RM
min 2: 40 sec plank hold
min 3: 10 T2B
3 X 500 Meter row or 400 meter run
Rest 90 sec between intervals