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OCTOBER 16, 2013

Ha-uge turnout for the “Good Times” wod!  The 1000 meter run was a piece of cake!!  Nice job guys and gals.  It was great to see some great full lifts today on the clean.  Remember, get the full lifts down and the power lifts are soooo much easier.

I’m so glad to hear all the positive feedback about the new website.  Not only did Kathleen redo everything, but Eric is the man behind the scenes who took some incredible pictures.  Every picture on the site is his.  Props to Eric!!

Let’s get HUMP DAY started with a bench mark workout ….

CrossFit WOD:

“Fight Gone Bad”

3 Rounds For Reps

Wall Ball

Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75/55#

Box Jumps 20″

Push Press 75/55#

Row For Calories

*1 min on each station for max reps

1 minute rest between rounds