
Fun Starts Here

Refer A Friend

Invite A Friend To Check Us Out!


The Open starts next week.  This year there are not prerequisites to take the judges course.  The cost is $10 and the amount of information you’ll learn regarding what is acceptable movement and what isn’t will help us  keep the standards as high as possible during the Open. Also I feel that it’s a great way to get everybody involved as a community in Thor Fitness. Here’ the thing, judging is difficult.  Telling your friends that what they just did is a no rep and therefore doesn’t count is difficult to do, but it HAS to be done.  As athletes performing the movement, simply follow the standards and you won’t have to worry your reps being questioned or not counted.  Pretty simple really.  The link to the Judges Course is HERE.


5 sets:

3 x snatch grip deadlift

3 x power snatch

3 x overhead squat

Start light and increase the weight with each set or stay with the same weight and work on form, mechanics and range of motion.

CrossFit WOD:


power snatches 

Wall balls 

50 double unders after each interval. You are ending on double unders. Singles are 2:1

RX 115/75 ; 20#/10′ 14#/9′

RX+ 135/95;  20#/14# 10′ target on rig

L1 55#/35#, 12#/8#



10 barbell rollouts

10 Russian twists