Our hoodie/thermal order is finally in!! If you placed an order, come see me. The hoodies are $45 and thermals are $28. I can add to your account, but cash is preferred. It’s going to be super cold out, but don’t let that stop you from coming in to train.
CrossFit WOD:
18 min amrap:
2 muscle ups (bar or ring)
8 hspu RX+ strict hspu
16 kb swings 53#/35# RX+ 70#/44#
1 muscle up subsitution = 1 pull up + 1 ring dip
Back squat 90% 2 x 3
Front squat 75% 3 x 3
2 pos clean 1 hpc + 1 pc
75% 1+1 x 2
80% 1 + 1 x 2
85% 1 + 1 x 2
Core work:
3 sets 15 med ball situps + 10 candle sticks